domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

Houses of Hogwarts


Was created by Rowena Ravenclaw. Are chosen by Ravenclaw the most intelligent and sagacious students of Hogwarts. It's colors are blue and bronze. It's symbol is an a eagle, and it's gousth it is Grey Lady. It's elements is the air.The Ravenclaw common room is in a tower on the west side of the school. The room is large and circular, with walls adorned with silk fabric blue and bronze, a blue carpet-midnight. The ceiling is decorated with stars, the windows are arched and have a beautiful view of the mountains. Beside the entrance to the dorms, is the marble statue of the founder of the house.
some of he students are:
  • Bradley
  • Chambers
  • Cho Chang (1990-1997)
  • Edu Carmichael (1990-1997)
  • Filius Flitwick
  • Helena Ravenclaw
  • Kevin Entwhistle (1991-1998)
  • Lisa Turpin (1991-1998)
  • Luna Lovegood (1992-1999)
  • Mádi Brocklehurst (1991-1998)
  • Marieta Edgecombe (1990-1997)
  • Miguel Corner (1991-1998)
  • Morag McDougal (1991-1998)
  • Murta Que Geme
  • Orla Quirke (1994-2001)
  • Padma Patil (1991-1998)
  • Penélope Clearwater (1987-1994)
  • Quirinus Quirrell (1975-1982)
  • Rogério Davies (1988-1995)
  • S. Fawcett (desconhecido)
  • Sibila Trelawney (1975-1982)
  • Stephen Cornfoot (1991-1998)
  • Stuart Ackerley (1994-2001)
  • Sue Li (1990-1997)
  • Gilderoy Lockhart
  • Garrick Ollivander
  • Terêncio Boot (1991-1998)


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