sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

That look is cute hermione

Malfoy Family

The Malfoy family is one of the few remaining pure-blood wizarding clans in the Harry Potter series, and among the wealthiest. The anti-Muggle editor Brutus Malfoy is their ancestor. Lucius Malfoy was a Death Eater during both wizard wars. He marries Narcissa Black and together they have one son, Draco, who is the first Malfoy family member introduced in the series. The Malfoys are related to the Black family through Narcissa (a first cousin of Sirius Black, Harry's godfather), which makes Draco a nephew of both Bellatrix Lestrange and Andromeda Tonks. Draco is also Nymphadora Tonks' first cousin through their mothers. Three of Draco's grandparents are identified: Abraxas Malfoy, Cygnus Black, and Druella Rosier. Abraxas died before the series begins and was a friend of Professor Slughorn. Draco is, therefore, the scion of two old magical families. The Malfoy home,Malfoy Manor, is an elegant mansion located in the western English county of Wiltshire. They were served by Dobby the house elf until the end of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.


Harry Potter


            Hello guys!!!! I want to say that on sunday the warner bros wil pass all movies of Harry Potter from 15:30


J.K Rowling decided, crieate a site to all fans of Harry Potter. there you can live his world.
You can go to the diagol alley, to buy your school material, you can be from Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin or Gryffindor, you can also go to a potion class and play quidditch.
                                                       Go to www.pottermore.com

sexta-feira, 27 de abril de 2012


                                                                       Harry Potter song:

                                                                 Slytherin  song:

                                                                     Gryffindor song:

J.K Rowling

             She is the creator of  Harry Potter. On the begin she want to study in Oxford, but she was not accept, sow she study leanguages.
            When her mother die ,she went to Portugal to teach English. There she married and had her baby. One day her hasband went to the war, and when he came back he lost his job. All day he came back late to home ,drunk. In one of this days they fought and she went back to Edimburgo with her baby.
           there she pass a dificult time, receiving government aid. But how the great women she is, she  managed a job in a school. She wrote the first Harry Potter book in a coffe shop , to her was realy dificult,because she had to wrote and take care of her dougther.
            She sand her book to 2 agentes, the first don't accepted, but the second accepted.Her agent showed the book to a lot of publishers, but no one accepeted it, just a little publisher for children.
They pay to her just 1200. After her agent sold her book to an american publisher. She won 150.000 dolars and her book was sold in all world.
                          Her first idea to wrote Harry Potter was when she was in a train. 



       To: Mr. Harry Potter
             The Cupboard Under the Stairs,
             4 Privet Drive,
             Little Whinging,

        Dear Mr Potter,
            . We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
 Students shall be required to report to the Chamber of Reception upun arrival, the dates for which shall be dly advised.
Please ensure that the utmost attention be made to the list of requirements attached  herewith.
We very much look forward to receiving you as part of the part of the new generation of Hogwarts' heritage.
      Yours sincerely,
Professor McGonagall

                            HOGWARTS SCHOOL of  WITCHCRAFT & WIZARDRY
                            Headmaster: albus Dumbledor, D.wiz.,x.j(sorc),S.of Mag.Q.


Images of Quidditch:

segunda-feira, 23 de abril de 2012


       The first broom was made of a stick of wood and branches of almond. When the broom star been more confortable the witches  created games with it.
For exmple:
      Annual Broom Race: From Sweden. They have to undergo dragons, and the winner gets a huge silver trophy.
      Shuntbumps : had to take of the other of his broom.
      Stichstock : one protected the bladder and the other had to try to burst it.
      Creaothceann : They arrested cauldrons on theyer head and had to grab as many bewitched stones that fell.
      Swivenhodge: mounted on broomsticks backwards and hit the bladder with a straw broom, every time he missed a marked point to the opponent, the first to have 50 points win.

      The first appearance  of Quidditch was at the Quidditch Queerditch Marsh and starting from that moment it just evolved.

Now Quidditch  it is described as an extremely rough but very popular semi-contact sport, played by wizards and witches around the world. Matches are played between two teams of seven players riding flying broomsticks, using four balls and six elevated ring-shaped goals three on each side of the Quidditch pitch (field).

domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

pictures of Harry Potter


Houses of Hogwarts

                                                Was created by Salazar Slitherin. are chosen by slitherin who have thirst for power. The greatest dark wizards were in Slytherin. It's colors are green and silver. It's elament is water. Responsible teachers are Severo Snape anda Horácio Slughorn. The bedroom is behind a wall of the dungeon.The Slytherin common room is a long room (probably below the lake at Hogwarts) with stone walls and green circular lights hanging from the ceiling.
                                                      Some of the students are:

  • Andrômeda Tonks
  • Avery
  • Bellatrix Lestrange (1962-1969)
  • Blás Zabini
  • Dafne Greengrass
  • Draco Malfoy (1991-1998)
  • Druella Rosier
  • Emilia Bulstrode
  • Fineus Nigellus
  • Horácio Slughorn
  • Lúcio Malfoy (1965-1972)
  • Merlin
  • Mulciber
  • Narcisa Malfoy (1966-1973)
  • Gregory Goyle (1991-1998)
  • Pansy Parkinson (1991-1998)
  • Rabastan Lestrange
  • Régulo Black (1972-1979)
  • Rodolphus Lestrange
  • Tracey Davis
  • Teodorio Nott
  • Severo Snape (1971-1978)
  • Tom Riddle (1938-1945)
  • Vincent Crabbe (1991-1998)
  • Flora Carrow
  • Hestia Carrow
  • Scabior

    Houses of Hogwarts


    Was created by Rowena Ravenclaw. Are chosen by Ravenclaw the most intelligent and sagacious students of Hogwarts. It's colors are blue and bronze. It's symbol is an a eagle, and it's gousth it is Grey Lady. It's elements is the air.The Ravenclaw common room is in a tower on the west side of the school. The room is large and circular, with walls adorned with silk fabric blue and bronze, a blue carpet-midnight. The ceiling is decorated with stars, the windows are arched and have a beautiful view of the mountains. Beside the entrance to the dorms, is the marble statue of the founder of the house.
    some of he students are:
  • Bradley
  • Chambers
  • Cho Chang (1990-1997)
  • Edu Carmichael (1990-1997)
  • Filius Flitwick
  • Helena Ravenclaw
  • Kevin Entwhistle (1991-1998)
  • Lisa Turpin (1991-1998)
  • Luna Lovegood (1992-1999)
  • Mádi Brocklehurst (1991-1998)
  • Marieta Edgecombe (1990-1997)
  • Miguel Corner (1991-1998)
  • Morag McDougal (1991-1998)
  • Murta Que Geme
  • Orla Quirke (1994-2001)
  • Padma Patil (1991-1998)
  • Penélope Clearwater (1987-1994)
  • Quirinus Quirrell (1975-1982)
  • Rogério Davies (1988-1995)
  • S. Fawcett (desconhecido)
  • Sibila Trelawney (1975-1982)
  • Stephen Cornfoot (1991-1998)
  • Stuart Ackerley (1994-2001)
  • Sue Li (1990-1997)
  • Gilderoy Lockhart
  • Garrick Ollivander
  • Terêncio Boot (1991-1998)


    sexta-feira, 20 de abril de 2012

    houses of hogwarts

                               Was created by Godric Griffindor. Are chosen by the  Grifindor who has bravery and courage.Its colrs are red and gold.Its element is th fire, this is the reason of their color. The dormitory is guarded by part of the fat woman, that only allows entry to the password (which changes constantly) is correctly given. Behind the painting is a large common room with a fireplace, and two staircases leading to the dormitories for girls and boys. Some of the students of this house are:

  • Aberforth Dumbledore (1895-1902)
  • Alicia Spinnet (1989-1996)
  • Alvo Dumbledore (1892-1899)
  • André Kirke
  • Angelina Johnson (1989-1996)
  • Arthur Weasley (1961-1968)
  • Carlinhos Weasley (1983-1990)
  • Colin Creevey (1992-1998)
  • Córmaco McLaggen (1990-1997)
  • Demelza Robins
  • Denis Creevey (1994-2001)
  • Dino Thomas (1991-1998)
  • Evan Abercrombie (1995-2002)
  • Franco Longbottom
  • Fred Weasley (1989-1996)
  • Gina Weasley (1992-1998)
  • Godofredo Hooper
  • Gui Weasley (1980-1987)
  • Harry Potter(1991-1997)
  • Hermione Granger (1991-1997)
  • Jorge Weasley (1989-1996)
  • Juca Sloper
  • Cátia Bell (1990-1997)
  • Lilá Brown (1991-1998)
  • Lílian Evans (1971-1978)
  • Minerva McGonagall (1946-1953)
  • Molly Weasley (1961-1968)
  • Neville Longbottom (1991-1998)
  • Natália McDonald (1994-2001)
  • Olívio Wood (1987-1994)
  • Pedro Pettigrew (1971-1978)
  • Parvati Patil (1991-1998)
  • Remo Lupin (1971-1978)
  • Romilda Vane (1993-2000)
  • Rony Weasley (1991-1997)
  • Simas Finnigan (1991-1998)
  • Sirius Black (1971-1978)
  • James Potter (1971-1978)
  • Percy Weasley(1987-1994)

  • Houses of hogwarts

                     Was created by Helga Hufflepuff , to 1000 years ago. Are chosen by the Huffepuff who work hard, patient, loyal friends and just. Its colors are yelow and black. The bedroom it  is the more close to the kichen.  Chubby Friar is its ghost. Some of the students of this house are:

  • Ana Abbott (1991-1998)
  • Cedrico Diggory (1988-1995)
  • Eleanora Branstone (1994-2001)
  • Ernesto McMillan (1991-1998)
  • Everardo- Diretor de Hogwarts antes de Finneus Nigellus (desconhecido)
  • Frei Gorducho (desconhecido)
  • Justino Finch-Fletchley (1991-1998)
  • Kevin Whitby (1994-2001)
  • Laura Madley (1994-2001)
  • Lia Moon(1991-1998)
  • Megan Jones (1991-1998)
  • Ninfadora Tonks (1994-1991)
  • Owen Cauldwell (1994-2001)
  • Pomona Sprout (desconhecido)
  • Rosa Zeller (1995-2002)
  • Stebbins (anos 1990)
  • Summers (anos 1990)
  • Susana Bones (1991-1998)
  • Wayne Hopkins (1991-1998)
  • Zacarias Smith (1991-1998)
  • Gee Vegeance Shultz (desconhecido)
  • Victor Dokmos                         


    quinta-feira, 19 de abril de 2012

    Pansy Parkinson

    Pansy Parkinson is a Slytherin student who is described as pug-faced and frequently seen with an unnamed gang of Slytherin girls, acting as their leader, or at least spokeswoman. She is also Draco Malfoy's female counterpart and apparent love interest.
     She and other Slytherins also taunt the Gryffindor Quidditch players from the stands during a morning practice, notably teasing Angelina Johnson about her braided hair. During a Gryffindor-Slytherin match, which is also Ron's debut as the new Gryffindor Keeper, she conducts the Slytherin students as they sing a demeaning song entitled "Weasley is our King".

    quarta-feira, 18 de abril de 2012

    harry potter chicken dance

      Look at this chicken dance

    Ron and Hermione kiss

      How draco is funy!!!!!!


    Hermione Granger

                              Hermione was born on september 19, 1980. Her parents are Muggles (non wizards). Two of its most distinctive characteristics is her curiosity and intelligence. She has brown hair and large, her eyes are brown and she belongs to Gryffindor.Her first appearance was in harry potter and the philosopher's stone, the way to hogwarts.   
                        Hermione Jean Granger in the end, marries Ron and Hermione Jean Granger Weasley turns.

    segunda-feira, 16 de abril de 2012

    Butter beer

                                                                 Recipe for butterbeer
              In a blender put:
          *three tablespoons of butter
          *two glasses of milk
          *250g of ice cream
          *8 tablespoons of caramel(that cover ice cream)

                                                          Beat it for 5 minutes and drink.

                  It is very good !!!! It is like a milk shake but have a mild taste of butter!!!!

    sábado, 14 de abril de 2012

    Studios of Harry Potter

                        The fans of Harry Potter can enter on the magic world of Harry Potter,  written by J.K Rowling ,because the warner bros studios, where the films were recorded, were open to the public.
                         You can see Harry Potter`s bedroom , the Dambledor office, the potions room and the home of dear Hagrid.
                         You can also see where lives Harry´s uncle, the diagonal alley, the Gringotts bank,the wands shop and the store of the weasley brothers.
    Fãs da saga 'Harry Potter' poderão visitar os estúdios onde os oito filmes foram gravados a partir deste sábado (31) (Foto: Jonathan Short/AP)


    It is a dream´s come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!